Desi Yellow Pages

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Umair Arif

Umair Arif is a famous young kathak dancer & choreographer, He teaches all forms of eastern dances. He is also into yoga. He is the disciple of famous names in the field of classical dance Ustad sajjad hussain kathak kalawant patyala gharana, madem aimi minwala, Bina Jawwad & have taken workshops from renowed kathak dancer nahid siddiqui ji. He is award winner as best solo dancer & best choreographer in "International youth Perfoming Festival 07" & Best performer in "National Youth Perfoming arts Festival 08". He is working as a head choreography in "thespianz Theater" khi & official performer in "Alhmara Arts council Lahore". He has performed in President's House and choreographed various shows at Pakistan television Network. He is teaching in Lahore grammer School defence and choreograph in every kind of events. He is also available for private tuitions for kathak, yoga and other dance forms.

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