Voice of Indian Students at TUHH!!!
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Upcoming events : ISATUHH Elections for the Batch 2022-2023


We only have what we give

Admission Guidelines

Requirements for International Master Courses,
  • Good TOEFL/IELTS score
  • Good GRE score (Not mandatory, but advantageous)
  • Bachelor? CGPA: Preferably above 8.0 (1.0-2.5 in German scale)
  • Curriculum Vitae in (Europass format)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Details of deadlines for various courses can be found in the link under the respective International Masters courses.
    The application for the admission can be found here.
    Since the University has a very good blend of students from all across the globe, heterogeneity in profile will definitely be an added advantage to secure a seat in the esteemed university.
    The compatibility of the course should be checked in relation to the Bachelor studies, since this is the primary criteria.
    Further, if you have some professional experience and now want to hone your management skills, you may also consider applying for a dual degree of M.Sc. and MBA at Northern Institute of Technology Management, an institute founded by Professors and well-wisher? of TUHH.


    "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" We adhere to this principle strictly. In order to help students enjoy their stay at Hamburg and imbibe some more enthusiasm in their studies, ISATUHH organises the following events.
    India Day
    The Subcontinent Country is always brimming with joy, colours, festivals and food. We at ISATUHH celebrate India on this day by organizing events that are depictive of the Indian culture. There will be dance, music, and food. The event is becoming bigger and better every year! Make sure you never miss this day!

    Sports Day
    As the CoVID-19 restrictions were eased further, the Annual Sports Day’ 2021, a 4-day event, was conducted during the summer.

    Diwali' 21
    Indian students coming together for celebrating this festival of lights in traditional attire with food, dance and music.

    Swing into Spring
    A fun weekend in the beautiful season filled with exciting events.

    Fresher's Pickup
    ISA has a tradition of picking up the freshers from their arrival point at Hamburg to the accommodations.

    Quick Links


    Sports day June 2021

    Advisory to the Indian Community on Fraud calls

    We wish to again bring to the notice of Indian Community about fraud calls which are being received by members of Indian community residing in Germany. Initially, Indian students studying in Germany and those Indians who are on work permit in Germany were receiving such calls. In the recent past, the Indian origin persons who have become German citizens (NRI and PIO card holders) are also receiving calls. The calls are made by people who are masquerading as officials of Indian Embassy and from the telephone numbers which look as if called from Embassy-obviously spoofed numbers. The callers generally speak English and sometimes Hindi. It is requested that in the event of receiving such calls, the number from which call has originated, date and time of call, contact number on which call was received and nature of demand or threat may be furnished to Police as well as Embassy of India ( and In some instances, the criminals have used the telephone numbers of Federal office of Migration and Refugees. In this regard the Department has issued an advisory which is available in the link Hence you may send the complaints also to them in their email id (

    The practices adopted by the criminals are as follows:

  • Most of the calls originated from + 49 30 257950. In the recent past calls are coming from +49 30 25795103. It may be mentioned that they are Embassy numbers but callers have spoofed these numbers.
  • The nature of threat or demand is that the person has given wrong or inadequate information in his passport or immigration records due to which a case is registered by Police in India or in Germany and also cases are pending in the Courts at India or Germany. Hence, perpetrators demand that a fine or penalty needs to be paid through Western Union money transfer and in rare cases bank account numbers were also given.
  • You may like to adequately caution your friends in Indian Community to be on guard and we would appreciate also any useful information that can identify the culprits. We have also taken up the matter with German authorities.
  • It is reiterated that Embassy/Consulate does not call up people to ask for money, etc, and hence such calls be ignored and reported promptly.

  • Gallery

    A camera is the SAVE button for the mind's eye

    India Day 2016 BBQ 2017 Bollywood Dance Workshop
    SommerFest 2017 Hannover conference Teachers Day celebration 2017
    Freshers Meet and Greet 2017 Freshers party 2017 India Day 2017
    The Team 2021


    The secret of getting ahead is getting started

    • Oops

      An institution is born

      The Technische University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) was established in the year 1978. Since then the university has raised in the ranks to become one of the youngest and top universities in Germany. TUHH is also the first university in Germany that started the International Masters programs in 1997. Now it offers Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees, with about eight areas of specialization in the International Masters program.

    • Oops

      Our humble beginnings

      As the University grew and became more International, many of the national students associations have formed under the aegis of TUHH Students Union AStA. The aim of these associations were being to co-ordinate, help and diffuse information among prospective and current students from respective countries about TUHH in general. In this respect, to serve the Indian students, Indian Students Association at TUHH (ISATUHH) is formed. ISATUHH has come a long way from the early days and has taken up more responsibilities not only to serve the Indian students better, but also to spread an awareness about India and its culture to the International community at TUHH.

    • Be Part
      Of Our


    You have questions, we have answers

    Why TUHH?
    The Technical University of Hamburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany that offers International Master's degree courses with an aim to produce world class engineers for the future. It is equipped with a beautiful campus, with state of the art laboratories and a well-equipped library catering to the needs of all students who want to pursue a solid engineering education.

    What type of Visa is required to study in Germany?
    To study in Germany, German student visa is required. Processing of Visa takes 4 - 12 weeks. The Visa is valid for 3-6 months from the date of travel, it is mandatory to apply for a Residence Permit after your arrival in Germany. For Further Requirements of Visa details please click here

    How about job opportunities?
    Both part time and full time job opportunities are available in Germany.Students can start applying for jobs only ater they reach Germany. University will not assure jobs to any individual. Some student jobs can be found here

    Are German language skills required before coming to Germany?
    German language is not mandatory as the courses are offered in English. But knowing the language is always an added advantage.

    Will University help in accommodation?
    TUHH Accommodation Office will assist you find a suitable accommodation. Details of which can be found here

    What are the essential prerequisites before travel?
    It is advisable to carry an amount of 500 ?700 Euros at the time of travel to manage your initial expenses. It is mandatory to take travel insurance for a minimum period of two months from the date of travel.

    How much would be the monthly expenses approximately?
    It solely depends on the individual. There are some basic expenses like room rent, insurance, mobile, food, which we cannot cut down on. Room rent (EUR 250-350), Insurance (EUR 92- 160), Mobile (EUR 10-25), Miscellaneous (EUR 100-200) would be a rough estimate for the expenses monthly.

    Should I take health insurance from India itself (as it is cheaper)?
    No, that will not be valid here.Health insurances taken from local Indian Insurance organisations are invalid in Germany. You will have to register for a health insurance from a German insurance company (TK,AOK,DAK,KKH etc.). ISATUHH will help you with this. Please get in touch with us for more information.

    Are there any possibilities for arranging pick up from the Airport?
    Yes, you have to upload your arrival data on ISATUHH info database that can be found here and the rest will be taken care by us. For others it cannot be assured.

    Our Amazing Team

    Individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean


    Anil Chandrashekar

    Masters in Mechanical engineering and management


    Anooj Ramanathan

    Vice President
    Masters in Chemical and Bioprocessing


    Preethi Aranala Gurumoorthi

    Masters in Chemical and Bioprocessing


    Midhun Tharakan

    Public Relations Officer
    Masters in Microelectronics and Microsystems


    Sandeep Madhusudan

    Masters in Mechanical engineering and management


    Roshini Ravi Shankar

    Cultural Head
    Masters in Chemical and Bioprocessing


    Raajaprasannaa Pannirselvame

    Creative Head
    Masters in Microelectronics and Microsystems

    Any more queries?? Drop us a mail to !!

    Do not ask questions until you have trained yourself not to know the answers

    Kindly provide your valuable feedback

    Click here to view the responses