Desi Yellow Pages

Your Guide to the South Asian Community

Indian Student Association Club for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

The Indian Student Association has been around for the last couple decades in order to help promote multiculturalism and educate the Cal Poly's student body about Indian's beliefs, cultures, and life style. It has been adding more and more events to its schedule in order to help promote our club statement. Our events range from Diwali, the festival of lights, to Holi a widely celebrated ritual. We are continually trying to gain new members regardless if they are Indian or not. I hope that if you ever get a chance to observe a holiday or celebration put on by the ISA that you take that opportunity. This website will have alot of our upcoming events and I thank you for your interesting in our culturally rich student driven association.

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Guide to the World's Best Cuisine - our partner site has a comprehensive collection of Desi restaurants, grocery stores and other Indian food related business from around the world.