Desi Yellow Pages

Your Guide to the South Asian Community

Indian Student Association Northwest Missouri State University

Indian Student Association (ISA) is an organization formed by the student body of the Northwest Missouri State University to bring the Indian Community in the NWMSU together and to promote the Indian culture and the diversity at and outside the NWMSU through organizing various cultural and social events.  It provides an opportunity for the students of Indian and foreign origin to share the joy of culture and heritage of India. ISA membership entitles the members to be a part of different types of activities organized by ISA throughout the year and provides free entrance to the members for some of the events. The day-to-day functioning of the association is managed by a board of volunteers. We organize a cultural show along with our 'Diwali' celebrations and also have occasional dance parties. The ISA also assists its members to cultivate unity among one another and promote this unity throughout Northwest by bringing together people of different backgrounds and culture through annual ISA events.

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