Desi Yellow Pages

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Indian Associations and Organizations: All Listings RSS

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The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) welcomes you to GOPIO's international network of people of Indian origin (PIO). GOPIO was founded at the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York in 1989. The initial thrust ...

The purpose of NetIP is to serve as an organization that meets the needs of South Asian professionals in North America as they grow in their personal and professional lives. Over the years, NetIP has become a premier networking brand in our community. It ...

, , BP.13789

Telephone227 80862626

The Asian American Hotel Owners Association “AAHOA” is THE voice of owners in the hospitality industry.  Founded in 1989, AAHOA is now one of the fastest-growing organizations in the industry, with more than 10,000 members owning more tha ...

Meher Fund

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Meher Fund is a non-profit [501(C)(3)] organization (U.S. Tax I.D. #57-0814333) whose purpose is to support the Meher Free Dispensary in rural western India. Meher Fund is guided by a volunteer board of directors. (please see "About Us" on our website for ...

ASIOA is a non-profit organization that was formed and incorporated in 1981. The purpose of this Association is to promote fellowship among scientists of Indian Origin living in America, to act as a scientific and educational society, to establish open ch ...

Fokana is an umbrella organization of Malayalee associations in North America and Canada. Since its inception in 1983, Fokana has earned its reputation and received global recognition. It seeks to preserve the North American Malayalee integrity and promot ...

Panorama India

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Panorama India was established in 1999 with the support of Consulate General of India as a non-profit umbrella organization with a goal to help unite all Indo-Canadian cultural associations and groups in the GTA and to project a common identity based on t ...


The Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society is a registered non-profit society, charitable organization and United Way member agency that seeks to build a healthy and just society which values all cultures. PICS started as a volunteer ...


17 The Crescent, , , , 2140

The Hindu Council of Australia was set up as an umbrella organisation for the purpose of bringing together various Hindu Associations for having a unified voice for all Australian Hindus, living in the multicultural community of Australia, irrespective of ...

Telephone(02) 82504007

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