• www.iac-cambodia.org
  • iac.cambodia@gmail.com
  • Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Our Vision

We want the Indian Association Cambodia to be a constant source of guidance and inspiration to our members and most importantly contribute back to the community and the Cambodian society.


Our Mission

The Indian Association Cambodia promotes and celebrates the success of the Indian Community in Cambodia through constantly reinforcing the positive identity of Indians.


India Cambodia

The Indian Association Cambodia is committed to building a society in Cambodia where all individuals, whatever their race, colour or ethnic background have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. We must all play our part in improving community relations in this country.


Welcome to Indian Association Cambodia Community

The Indian Association Cambodia Community (IACC) is a non profit Indian Community and Charitable Community Development Association, founded in the year 1993. It is run by an Executive Committee and supported by its General Members. All Members of the Executive Committee are volunteers who give up their time for free and come from all walks of life for the support and development of the Indian and Cambodian relations through various voluntary and community development programs.

  • India

    India offers an endless variety of culture, customs, traditions, architecture, social norms and lifestyles, history and geography.

  • Cambodia

    The Kingdom of Cambodia is one of the worlds newest and most exciting travel destinations.

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The Indian Association Cambodia (IAC) is a non profit Indian Community and Charitable Community Development Association, founded in the year 1993

Award 2019-2021